Importance Of Social & Emotional Growth Of A Child

Do you ever wonder what kind of person your child will grow up to be? Whether they’ll be shy or confident, introverted, or extroverted? A lot of that depends upon how they are brought up when they are still toddlers, especially their social and emotional development.

Social and emotional development refers to the development of skills or abilities to effectively interact and communicate, control feelings and actions, build relationships with others, etc. These skills allow the children to extend their feelings to the caregiver or parent.


Here Are A Few More Reasons Why It Is Important1:

  1. Effective social and emotional skills in preschoolers can be related to successful completion of education, excellent performance in co-curricular activities, and flourishing career opportunities in adulthood.
  2. Positive social and emotional skills will impact how a child functions at home, school, and later in the community.
  3. Social, emotional, or behavioural inabilities can impact the chances of academic success and the development of healthy relationships.

Thus, a childhood with well-developed skills is a stepping-stone to successful adulthood and life ahead.

Development Of Social And Emotional Skills At Different Ages2:

The first five years are crucial for growth and development. The child attains the following major social and emotional skills during this period:

Age Social and Emotional Skills
Birth to 1 year

Babbles with expression and imitates sound.

Shows attachment to mother and other family members.

Shares toys with infants.

Plays games such as "peek-a-boo".

2 years

Temper tantrums.

Imitates peers.

Points to things or pictures when they are named.

3 years

Initiates peer interactions.

Understands rules.

Shows a wide range of emotions.

Carries on a conversation using 2 to 3 sentences.

4 years

Preferred friendship.

Elaborate fantasy play (e.g., ‘superhero’).

Usually compliant to instructions.

5 years

Plays away from their parents.

Elaborate discussion of emotions.

Speaks very clearly.

How Can Parents Aid Social And Emotional Skills? 

  • Be a role model. 
  • Show affection and care. 
  • Be considerate of feelings. 
  • Listen and welcome the child’s viewpoints.
  • Encourage and support. 
  • Praise good behaviour.

What Happens If These Skills Aren't Developed Properly?

Although there is an age defined for developing these skills, it is not that a child would not develop them if that age has passed. It has been observed that many children develop slowly or late due to delayed brain development.

It is known that almost 90% of the brain is developed by six years of age^. Proper brain development depends heavily on nutrition, but more often than not, the child’s diet doesn’t provide all the required nutrients in the right amount. 

In such a case, health food drinks like #Junior Horlicks can help you fill this gap.  It comprises nutrients like choline, iron, iodine, etc., which are known to support brain development and calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K & protein, which are known to support physical growth and development. It also contains nutrients such as Vitamin E, A, Selenium & Copper to support healthy immune function.

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