Did you know that the way your food affects your body depends on when you eat it? For instance, studies have revealed that people who eat a late lunch lose weight slower1. Similarly, different proteins affect your body differently depending upon the time of consumption. This is because different proteins are absorbed and used by the body at varying rates2.
Here’s everything you need to know about when and how you should consume your proteins throughout the day:
What Is The Best Time To Take Protein?
Protein intake pre-workout is known to help in the following ways:
- It contributes to the growth of lean muscle mass.
- It improves hypertrophy i.e., the growth of muscle cells because of exercise.
- It provides energy and stamina for rigorous workout regimes.

Post Workout
A hardcore workout might leave you feeling pumped up, since protein synthesis is at its peak during this time. However, it is important to let your muscles relax and repair. Intake of a fast-digesting protein such as whey can enhance muscle accumulation4.
A study conducted on 48 men consuming 0g, 10g, 20g or 40g protein post workout revealed that protein synthesis, muscle growth and repair was better in the men consuming 20g to 40g of protein after each workout session3.
For Breakfast
Not only does a high-protein breakfast keep you feeling fuller for longer, but it also provides a balanced nourishment to your body. Having a protein shake or eggs is a great way to incorporate some protein in your breakfast.
Before Bed
Our muscles grow and repair as we sleep during the Night and for this to happen, your muscles need protein for protein synthesis6. Protein sources like Whey and Casein Are very effective when taken before bed. They regulate the level of hormones, which helps in muscle growth and repair7.
How Do Different Proteins Work?
Casein forms a major part of the protein found in bovine milk. Accounting for nearly 70-80% of its total protein, Casein is also responsible for the white color of milk. Just like whey, casein is a good quality protein that contains all eight essential amino acids. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, and the amino acid glutamine.
Whey is one of the two major protein groups of bovine milk, accounting for 20% of the milk. It is a good quality protein and provides all the 8 essential amino acids needed by adults. The PDCAAS rating of whey protein Is 19, which is the highest possible rating. Whey is also naturally rich in Leucine, an essential branched chain amino acid that plays a crucial role in the maintenance of tissue and prevention of catabolic actions during exercise10.
In terms of absorption, soy is an intermediate release protein which means it releases amino acids in the bloodstream faster than casein but not as fast as whey. If taken during breakfast, it provides energy throughout the day.
Individually, these proteins cannot meet the entire protein requirement of your body. But what if you could consume all of them at once? Horlicks Protein Plus with its Triple Protein Blend11 contains 34% protein. Comprising of fast acting whey, intermediate acting soy protein and slow acting casein, Horlicks Protein Plus helps in providing ~30% of your daily protein needs12.